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Stocks In Play (SIP): Allowing Retail Traders to access real market sentiment

Coffee with Samso Episode 17 with Tony Cunningham and Arnaud Moret

In this episode of Coffee with Samso, the conversation was all about Stocks In Play (SIP).  SIP is an app and a website. Members can get free live data, news and research and theoretical trades that will allow them to compete with other traders.  It is not about competition but collaborating with all traders to get a sense of market sentiment.  Market sentiment underpinned by the information about where are the masses going is critical for punters.

In today’s online trading environment, SIP provides an independent platform where traders can come and get third party information on the market. Most importantly is the ranking trading leaderboards where members can get “tips” to follow or DYOR.  Historically, traders have been relying on Forums, but that has seen some reduction in importance.  Today, social media platforms such as Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook and Wechat have taken a lot of gloss from the old Forum platforms.

Samso speaks to Tony Cunningham and Arnaud Moret about what is happening with SIP and what is in store for the future.  We talk about the journey and the hurdles that were faced since the start of this story.




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