Coffee with Samso Episode 1 with Mark Strizek
In this segment of Coffee with Samso, Mark Strizek and Samso discuss the issues and solutions of low grade and impurities that are common in many tungsten projects. There are few projects that appear to be clean and of sufficient grades. Beneficiation by ore sorting is a fairly simple solution that can make substandard grades become more than economical. However, some projects have impurities that will not allow ore sorting to be effective.
Tungsten projects are very sensitive to the chemistry of all the minerals present.
Unfortunately, the nature of the current tungsten deposits out in the market place tend to have one issue or another. Take King Island’s Dolphin project. Good grades, in fact, the grade is better than very good but why has it not happened for all this time. Their ore cannot be sorted but they have the highest grade that I know of in the tungsten space. Maybe their time is now just around the corner?
In this segment, the discussion is centred around these thoughts. I hope this short excerpt will give viewers good feedback. The full episode can be seen in the links below.
Individual Segments for Episode 001
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