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  • Finally Gold Is King Again: The Tolukuma Gold Mine - Tolu Minerals Limited (ASX: TOK)

    Gold is finally in the limelight with the new generation of metals stepping out with the reducing market sentiment. For many years, the gold loyalists have been up in arms that the gold sector was largely ignored. The gold price is now at an all time high (Figure 1), and it was only in the last couple of years that the general market (ASX Punters in the small-cap sector) attention was focusing on gold equities. If you’ve been following the gold market and social media commentaries, discussions about the benefits of investing in gold have been a recurring theme over the past decade. The most significant signals emerged after 2020, driven by increasing political uncertainties, rising interest rates, and escalating geopolitical tensions between the West and China. Figure 1: Gold price chart since 1972. (source: Kitco) The escalating anti-eastern sentiment—primarily characterized by tensions between the West and China—and the perceived threat of China's expanding influence should, in theory, push more investors toward the safety of gold. If this is the view of the investing community, then entering the gold sector would be a no-brainer. As illustrated in Figure 2, the last significant gold price movement was in mid-2022, climbing from under USD 1,800 and gaining more than USD 1,000 since then. and surprisingly, small-cap investors didn’t capitalise on this trend earlier. However, this may be partly attributed to the relatively small pool of emerging or small-cap miners listed on the ASX. Figure 2: Gold price chart over the last 5 years. (source: Kitco). Rick Rule Thoughts In my Coffee with Samso  episode with Rick Rule in May 2020, titled "Coffee with Samso - Episode 037: Markets and Commodities - Views from Rick Rule,"   Rick did emphasised that investors should be loading up on gold ( Click here to listen ). Rick mentioned that investors outside of Australia (at that time) had been entering gold equities, while the Australian investors were still missing. My discussion with Rick took place in May 2020 and it feels as if the Australian investors got distracted with the Lithium bull run and are now late in entering the gold production story. It’s no surprise that Rick Rule made those comments, as he mentioned that he had witnessed nine recoveries in the gold market throughout his career. His perspective undoubtedly comes from a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of market cycles. A Good Technical Project Flourishing with the Perfect Timing. The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) mineral exploration industry is an exciting sector, and it is never boring. It is consistently dynamic in its activities for eager investors. Whether that is a good cocktail for investors is up for debate, but it is a sector of the ASX that has been a major part of my "investing" playground. Gambling or Investing? Timing is everything, and investors in mineral exploration are constantly on the lookout for the next great "thing" or what I call the next great "story." As I have mentioned in my previous writings, having triggers that can help you limit your risks is always a good thing. It is the creation of a scientific reason for making the investment decision. The main trigger for me is the technical viability of the project. We all know that there are numerous "issues" that will make or break a project, and nobody can counter a "Black Swan" event, so one has to discover some form of a tangible decision-making process. Nobody can predict a Black Swan event. The Tolu Minerals Connection In the context of our discussion, the emergence of a "Gold Story," I think Tolu Minerals Limited (ASX: TOK) may be a prime example of a good technical project that appears to have added significant value. With a climate of "Good Timing," the concept may grow further in time. I came across the story of Tolu Minerals Limited (ASX: TOK) in August 2022 in an episode of Rooster Talk entitled Tempest Minerals Limited (ASX: TEM) Acquires Producing Asset - Tolukuma and Mt Penck Projects. Tempest Minerals Limited was acquiring the Tolukuma gold mine from the current management. This was a very complicated transaction that ultimately ended up with the IPO (Initial Public Offer) of Tolu Minerals in Mar 2024. Samso Insights published a review of that event entitled: "Tolu Minerals Accelerates Gold Exploration in the Pacific “Ring of Fire” . I have a history with Papua New Guinea (PNG) and I think this helps me a good understanding of the ins and outs of working in a very challenging political and social-economic environment. Figure 3: The share price chart for Tolu Minerals Limited as of 31st January 2025. (source: Commsec) The share price chart for Tolu Minerals (Figure 3) is why I think this is worth reviewing for Samso Insights . Let's review the details and understand the whole Tolu Minerals Limited business. For those who want to skip to the parts of the review, please use the list below. 1.00 Who is Tolu Minerals Limited? 1.10 Tolukuma Gold Mine: 1.20 Exploration Focus: 1.30 Management: 1.40 Listing: 2.0 The Tolukuma Gold Mine [1] 3.0 Geology of the Tolukuma Gold Mine 4.0 Corporate Details Some Key News Release: 5.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts References: About Rick Rule 1.00 Who is Tolu Minerals Limited? Tolu Minerals Limited (ASX: TOK) is an Australian exploration and development company that focuses on gold, silver, and copper projects, primarily in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The company is developing the Tolukuma Gold Mine  and several other projects in PNG's highly prospective mineral belts. 1.10 Tolukuma Gold Mine: This is the company's flagship project. Located in the Central Province of PNG, approximately 100 km north of Port Moresby, the Tolukuma Gold Mine is a high-grade gold and silver mine (Figure 4). Figure 4: Tolu Minerals tenement locations. ( source: Tolu Minerals Limited) Tolu Minerals acquired the mine in 2022 and is focused on revitalising it, including restoring infrastructure, conducting exploration, and increasing production. 1.20 Exploration Focus: Tolu Minerals is also exploring additional regional opportunities, including the Tolukuma Structure  (adjacent to the existing mine) and the Mt. Penck Project  in West New Britain. These projects are part of the company's broader strategy to expand its asset base in PNG's rich mineral terrain. 1.30 Management: The company is led by a team with significant experience in exploration, mining, and project development, particularly in PNG, which is known for its complex and challenging geological environments. 1.40 Listing: Tolu Minerals is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the ticker TOK . The company aims to leverage its assets and expertise to create value for shareholders, particularly with the growing interest in resource markets. Tolu Minerals is positioning itself to benefit from the recovery and growth of the resource sector in PNG, with a particular focus on gold and precious metals. 2.0 The Tolukuma Gold Mine [1] The Tolukuma Gold Mine is in the Goilala District of Central Province, Papua New Guinea, approximately 100 kilometers north of Port Moresby (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Discovered in 1986 by Newmont, the mine commenced operations in 1995 and focuses on high-grade epithermal gold and silver deposits. Over two decades, it produced around 1 million ounces of gold at an average recovered grade of 14 grams per tonne, peaking at 21.3 grams per tonne, along with approximately 50 grams per tonne of silver in the form of gold/silver doré. In 2015, operations ceased due to escalating costs, primarily stemming from incomplete infrastructure projects such as a 70-kilometer access road and maintenance issues with the 3 MW hydroelectric power facility. The mine entered liquidation in 2018. Tolu Minerals acquired the mine in September 2022, obtaining all existing operating and environmental permits. As of August 2022, the Tolukuma project reported a JORC (2012) Mineral Resource Estimate of 1,610,000T at 10 grams per tonne gold and 38 grams per tonne silver, totaling 503,000 ounces of gold and 1,950,000 ounces of silver. Figure 5: Tolukuma existing mine site. (source: Tolu Minerals Limited) Tolu Minerals has outlined plans to complete the remaining 23 kilometers of the access road to connect the mine to the Hiritano Highway, dewater the mine to access existing resources, conduct an environmental baseline assessment, refurbish the hydroelectric power plant, and upgrade key site infrastructure to support resource development and exploration. 3.0 Geology of the Tolukuma Gold Mine (A summary taken from PorterGeo - ) The Tolukuma gold deposit is classified as a low-sulphidation adularia-sericite epithermal system and is located in Papua New Guinea’s Central Province, approximately 100 kilometers north of Port Moresby. Figure 6: Location of Tolu Minerals Limited two gold projects in Papua New Guinea. (source: Tolu Minerals Limited) The oldest geological formations in the Tolukuma region are the Kagi Metamorphics, part of the metasedimentary sequence within the Cretaceous to Eocene Owen Stanley Metamorphics. These rocks underwent deformation during the middle Miocene. Locally referred to as the Auga Beds, the Kagi Metamorphics consist of slate, siltstone, sub-greywacke, feldspathic sandstone, limestone, and pebble conglomerate, with some zones containing highly carbonaceous material. Overlying these rocks unconformably are the late Miocene to Pliocene volcanics and interbedded sediments, intruded by subvolcanic equivalents of the Mt Davidson Volcanics. These basic-to-intermediate volcanic rocks were deposited within a 10 to 20 km-wide north-south trending graben. The Tolukuma mineralisation is hosted within these volcanics and sediments. Pliocene deformation created NW- and NE-trending vertical tensional fractures with minimal displacement. At the Tolukuma deposit, the Kagi Metamorphics appear to be in fault contact with the Mt Davidson Volcanics, which host the mineralisation. These volcanics include intermediate to basic pyroclastics (such as fine ash flow tuffs, feldspathic crystal tuffs, and lithic tuffs) and lavas, predominantly hornblende-feldspar porphyritic andesites, with occasional basaltic components. Narrow porphyritic andesite-to-basalt dykes are common throughout the area. Gold mineralisation is contained within several sub-vertical quartz vein zones in the Mt Davidson Volcanics. These are primarily aligned along two 115° striking faults, spaced 500 meters apart, as well as within a north-trending dilational zone connecting the two structures. Vein thickness ranges from 1 to over 10 meters, averaging 2 to 3 meters. The southern fault and dilational zone form the Tolukuma vein, which hosts the majority of the high-grade gold (>5 g/t Au). In contrast, the northern fault, known as the 120 vein, typically has lower and more variable gold grades. High-grade mineralisation (>5 g/t Au) is present over a vertical interval of up to 275 meters. The veins primarily consist of quartz, which, when strongly mineralised, appears as a white saccharoidal variety with abundant pseudomorphs after carbonates. Pyrite is common, with lesser amounts of base metal sulphides (typically <1%). Other vein minerals include clay, manganosiderite, adularia, albite, and leucoxene. Adularia is often found in association with quartz. The veins are categorized into simple and banded veins, vein breccias, brecciated veins, and hydrothermal breccias. Alteration around the veins includes early pervasive propylitisation, while phyllic (illite-quartz-pyrite) and argillic (illite-smectite) haloes extend tens of meters outward into the host rocks. The drill indicated resource quoted in 1988: 1.07 Mt @ 22.0 g/t Au at a cut-off of 4 g/t Au. Reserves and resources quoted in 2003:  (from Durban Roodepoort Deep Ltd, website):   Proven and Probable Reserve: 160,000T @ 15 g/t Au for 2.4 t Au        Measured, Indicated, and Inferred Resource: 300,000T @ 29.9 g/t Au for 9.0 t Au 4.0 Corporate Details The company's IPO appears to have had a very turbulent path. Looking at the announcements during that IPO timing, the company had to submit three Supplementary Prospectus. I used to be told that one was already too many Supplementary Prospectus. Anyway, I don't know the reason, and it is no longer a point of discussion at this time of writing this review. Tolu Minerals was finally admitted and quoted on the ASX on the 9th of November 2023. At the writing of this review, Tolu Minerals Limited has a market capitalisation of AUD103M which gives them approximately 113,186,813 shares on issue. That is not a bad start since being admitted into the ASX. Some Key News Release: Date Announcement 21 January 2025 Appointment of Executive Group Geologist 20 January 2025 Update on Key Projects 02 December 2024 Corporate Presentation 14 November 2024 Taula drilling extends Tolukuma Gold Mineralisation 24 October 2024 Placement 09 September 2024 Initial Airborne MT Results 25 June 2024 Commencement of Airborne MT Survey 29 April 2024 Mt Penck Polymetallic Targets 19 April 2024 Placement 29 January 2024 Mt Penck Results 13 November 2023 Taula Assay Results and Tolukuma Exploration Targets 09 November 2023 Top 20 Shareholders According to the presentation released on the 2nd December 2024, Tolu Minerals has raised AUD67M since the IPO, and the last raise in October 2024 put AUD26.7M into the bank. Clearly, the potential for producing gold bars is motivation for the investments with a rising global gold price. 5.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts The gold sector is currently attracting significant attention, particularly in the small-cap segment. As we all know, the lower end of the market, often referred to as the "speculative" end of the ASX, is widely regarded as the most dynamic part of the industry. It's worth remembering that following 2020, the small-cap sector raised nearly AUD 2 billion within just 18 to 24 months—a wave of activity I haven’t witnessed in over 30 years of experience, both as a geologist and a member of the investing community. The critical question now is whether TOK can bring the project into production, given the longstanding challenges that the Papua New Guinea mining industry has faced over the decades. Drawing from my experience with PNG's mineral sector, one of the key lessons I've learned is that there are figurative minefields to navigate at every turn. I’ve been aware of the Tolukuma Gold Mine for some time. As mentioned in previous discussions, I’ve always wondered why this project has not been further developed. Despite its history of mining operations and promising grades, this question had never been fully explored. When the project reappeared on my radar in 2022, it again piqued my interest. Based on my experience, I doubted whether the Tolu Minerals story would progress. The concern for me comes from my previous experience with the cost of working in the It’s encouraging to see that I may be mistaken. The progress Tolu Minerals Limited has achieved since its listing is a promising development. While there’s still considerable work ahead, the company’s solid funding support suggests that the light at the end of the tunnel is shining brighter this time. Whether this will ultimately lead to gold bar production for current investors remains the ultimate test, but the rising gold price is certainly adding to the optimism. As I’ve previously stated, timing is crucial, and Tolu Minerals investors are certainly benefiting from that right now. The recent merger between Northern Star Resources Limited (ASX: NST) and De Grey Mining Limited (ASX: DEG) clearly demonstrates that the gold sector is heading in the right direction. Whether Tolu Minerals can pull everything together and make this project a reality is yet to be seen. However, one thing I’ve learned over the decades in the mineral resources sector, is that having money in the bank is paramount. The best grades and projects won’t come to fruition without the necessary financial backing. From my experience working inside ASX companies, all the talk in the world is only as valuable as the size of your bank balance. Please do your own research, and happy investigating! References: Tolu Minerals Limited About Rick Rule Rick Rule is a prominent investor and entrepreneur, best known for his expertise in natural resources and precious metals investing. He has over four decades of experience in the resource sector and is considered one of the leading figures in mining, oil, gas, and energy investments. Key Highlights about Rick Rule: Background: Rick Rule has built a reputation as a savvy and disciplined investor with a deep understanding of the resource sector's cyclical nature. He is particularly well-known for investing in junior mining and exploration companies, often identifying opportunities overlooked by others. Professional Career: Sprott U.S. Holdings: Rick was formerly the President and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, a subsidiary of Sprott Inc., a global leader in resource investments. At Sprott, he managed significant portfolios and built relationships with institutional and retail investors worldwide. He has been involved in numerous successful resource and mining ventures, often working with junior companies to unlock value for shareholders. After leaving Sprott, he continued his involvement in the resource sector through personal investments and speaking engagements. Links: Investment Philosophy: Rick Rule is known for his contrarian approach to investing, often seeking opportunities during downturns in the resource market when assets are undervalued. He places a strong emphasis on due diligence, focusing on companies with strong management teams, high-quality assets, and the ability to survive industry cycles. He is a vocal advocate of precious metals, particularly gold and silver, as a hedge against economic uncertainty and inflation. Public Speaking and Education: Rick frequently speaks at conferences, webinars, and other forums about resource investing and economic trends. He is well-respected for his insights into the global economy, commodities markets, and financial trends. He often emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks and rewards of investing in natural resources, particularly in the volatile junior mining sector. Philanthropy: Beyond investing, Rick Rule is also involved in philanthropic efforts, particularly in areas related to education and resource stewardship. Current Activities: Rick continues to participate in the resource sector as a private investor, focusing on precious metals, uranium, and other natural resources. He is known for conducting “portfolio rankings,” where he invites investors to submit their resource investments for review, offering advice and insights. Rick Rule's ability to navigate the complex and often volatile resource markets has earned him a loyal following among investors. His expertise, combined with his willingness to educate others, has made him a respected figure in the industry. Disclaimer The information or opinions provided herein do not constitute investment advice, an offer or solicitation to subscribe for, purchase or sell the investment product(s) mentioned herein. It does not take into consideration, nor have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, risk profile, tax position and particular, or unique needs and constraints. Read full Disclaimer. Share to Grow: Your Bonus Samso has just released an eBook: How to Add Value to your Share Portfolio A lesson on geological models sought by mining companies that gives insight and an understanding of which portfolios are better - and potentially more lucrative – investments. Click here to download this eBook . Download eBook If you find this article informative and useful, please help me share the information.  I try and write about topics that are interesting and have the potential to be of investment value.  It is not easy to find stories that fit those parameters. If you or your organisation see the benefit of what Samso is trying to achieve and have a need to share your journey, please contact me on . About Samso Samso  is a trusted platform that equips dedicated investors with up-to-date industry knowledge and insights from top CEOs and thought leaders. By staying informed on business advancements and market trends, investors can enhance their financial decisions through a combination of expert guidance and their own research.

  • Exploring the Potential of High Purity Alumina: A Review of Alpha HPA Limited (ASX: A4N)

    The High-Purity Alumina (HPA) investment landscape has struggled to gain traction and capture investors' attention. As I've noted before, timing is crucial; could 2025 present the ideal opportunity? I recently came across Alpha HPA Limited (ASX: A4N) and was impressed by its performance. This prompted me to take a closer look at the company, as it stands out among the HPA stories I’ve encountered over the past decade. At the time of writing this blog, A4N has a market capitalisation of AUD 977.2 million and is trading at AUD 0.86. The share price chart (Figure 1) for A4N is particularly noteworthy. Figure 1: The share price chart for Alpha HPA Limited. (source: Commsec) Let's go through the details and understand the whole Alpha HPA Limited business. For those who want to skip to the parts of the review, please use the list below. 1.0 Who is Alpha HPA Limited? 2.0 The Smart SX Technology 2.1 The Science of the SX Technology 2.2 Traditional Aluminium Processing 3.0 History 3.1 ASX Releases 2025 and 2024 3.2 ASX Releases 2023 3.3 ASX Releases 2022 3.4 ASX Releases 2021 3.5 ASX Releases 2020 3.6 ASX Releases 2019 3.7 ASX Releases 2018 3.8 ASX Releases 2017 4.0 The Business 5.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts 6.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts 1.0 Who is Alpha HPA Limited? As stated on the company's website , Alpha HPA is an Australian-based, publicly listed firm that pioneered the world's first application of the solvent extraction (SX) purification method to aluminium, resulting in a diverse range of ultra-high-purity aluminium products. The company's high-purity aluminium oxides, hydroxides, nitrates, and sulphates are utilised in various high-tech industries, such as LED lighting, synthetic sapphire, semiconductors, Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology, and lithium-ion batteries. Alpha HPA's market-leading purity levels distinguish us, achieved with a significantly reduced carbon footprint. Alpha HPA aims to support decarbonisation by providing the world with the most sustainable, high-purity aluminium products. Our implementation of Smart SX Technology demonstrates our dedication to global decarbonization and our vision of advancing the entire world collectively. 2.0 The Smart SX Technology As stated by A4N, their licensed Smart SX Technology is the world's first highly selective scientific process that precisely extracts aluminum, enabling the production of a broad spectrum of ultra-high-purity aluminum products while significantly reducing energy consumption, emissions, and waste. Aluminium is among the most carbon-intensive industries globally, responsible for up to 3% of worldwide emissions. The Smart SX Technology results in up to 70% lower total carbon emissions compared to the traditional high-purity alumina production process because: The technology avoids using energy-intensive aluminium metal as the feedstock and recycles the primary reagents as by-products. In addition, the process uses renewable energy to power the facility. 2.1 The Science of the SX Technology (source: Alpha HPA Limited website) The Smart SX Technology process employs established solvent extraction methods specifically adapted for the highly selective extraction of Al3+ cations from aluminium-loaded solutions. This process transforms aluminium-laden organic solvents through two crystallisation stages into an intermediate product that can be calcined to produce high-purity alumina (HPA) while generating environmentally friendly off-gases. The loaded organic stream generated from this process can be directed to any acid stream, yielding 5N+ purity aluminium precursors (salts) or 4N+ boehmite or alumina. Notably, the process boasts a recycling efficiency of nearly 100% for its reagents and process streams. Figure 2: A4N Technology. (source: Alpha HPA Limited) The Smart SX process is characterised by its straightforwardness, innovation, and adaptability. It effectively converts a common industrial feedstock into a range of ultra-pure aluminium products with high efficiency and low costs. This technology does not rely on novel operational units; rather, it applies unique, proprietary process chemistry, marking the establishment of the first aluminium SX facility in the world. Figure 3: Flow diagram showing the Alpha HPA process. (source: Alpha HPA Limited) 2.2 Traditional Aluminium Processing Traditional HPA production methods rely on outdated, emissions-heavy technology. Historically, HPA has been synthesised from the aluminium metal feedstock or produced by using hydrochloric acid to leach kaolin clay. These processes are highly energy-intensive, emit large amounts of carbon and chemicals, and generate considerable waste. This is not only harmful to the environment but also inefficient. Alpha HPA's innovative processes and products achieve industry-level purity with fewer emissions and almost no waste. Figure 4: Alpha HPA Smart SX process compared to the Traditional Methods of production. (source: Alpha HPA Limited) A4N has transformed the standard of aluminium purification to produce sustainable, high-purity aluminium products that are industry-changing and available in commercial quantities. 3.0 History The beginnings of Alpha HPA Limited can be traced back to 2010, where it existed as Auger Resources Limited, where they had a 90% interest in an Indonesian based company, PT Golden Pricindo Indah ("Golden"), which holds Izin Usaha Pertambangans ('IUPs') or mining business licences covering the Central Jampang gold project area in southwestern Java. The agreement marks an expansion of Augur’s exploration focus beyond central NSW and its renewed focus on gold projects. [1] On the 24th of October 2017, the company, which had a name change to Collerina Cobalt Limited (ASX: CLL) on the 2nd of May 2017, announced the following; " Outstanding Aluminium Solvent Extraction Test Work Results ". This release to the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) would be one of the early news that would create what is today the business of Alpha HPA Limited. The current version of the Board made their appearance on 1st November 2017 with the appointment of the current Managing Director, Mr. Rimas Kairaitas, and Non-Executive Director Mr. Anthony Sgro. Alpha HPA Limited started its life with a name change from Collerina Cobalt Limited on the 30th of November 2018. Here are some notable news release to the ASX that should allow a genral understanding of the developing storyline for Alpha HPA Limited. Please note that the list is not a complete list of announcements. The complete list can be found on the Investors page on the Alpha HPA Limited website. 3.1 ASX Releases 2025 and 2024 2025 - 01 - 14 Significant Acceleration in Semiconductor Sector Demand 2024 - 12 - 11 Alpha Sapphire Update 2024 - 08 - 20 HPA First Project - Stage 2 Construction Commenced 2024 - 05 - 20 Stage 2 - Compelling DFS Underpins FID and Equity Raising 2024 - 04 - 17 $400M Australian Government Support for Stage 2 Development 3.2 ASX Releases 2023 2023 - 11 - 02 Board Changes 2023 - 09 - 28 $30M for Alpha Sapphire from QIC Critical Minerals Fund 2023 - 06 - 05 Expansion of Synthetic Sapphire Glass Agreements with Ebner 2023 - 04 - 05 Alpha Awarded Queensland Government Grant 2023 - 03 - 23 Agreements to enter Sapphire Glass Production with Ebner Group 3.3 ASX Releases 2022 2022 - 11 - 29 HPA First Project - First Production 2022 - 11 - 14 Orica strategic partnership expanded with placement and MoU 2022 - 04 - 28 Alpha Awarded up to $15.5M Federal Government Grant 2022 - 03 - 16 Alpha Awarded $45M Federal Government Grant 3.4 ASX Releases 2021 2021 - 11 - 05 Project Approval, Land Settlement and PPF Site Works 2021 - 08 - 18 Orica and Alpha Execute Definitive Agreements 2021 - 06 - 03 Successful Completion of $50M Placement 2021 - 04 - 28 MoU for Japan and China Specialty Markets 2021 - 04 - 12 MoU with global materials company Saint Gobain 3.5 ASX Releases 2020 2020 - 12 - 23 Orica Agreements Update 2020 - 11 - 25 MOU to Market Products to Specialty North American Markets 2020 - 11 - 11 Maiden Sale of 5N Pre-Cursor Product 2020 - 10 - 08 High-Purity Li-Ion Cathode Pre-Cursor 2020 - 09 - 28 Successful Manufacture of 5N (99.999%) Purity, Alumina Coating Pre-Cursor for Lithium-ion Cathode and Anode Materials 2020 - 08 - 20 Offtake, Marketing and Financing MOU with Traxys 2020 - 03 - 17   HPA First Project Definitive Feasibility Study 3.6 ASX Releases 2019 2019 - 07 - 01   HPA First Process Confirmed and Commencement of Pilot Plant 2019 - 03 - 07 HPA First PFS Upgrade and Project Update 3.7 ASX Releases 2018 2018 - 12 - 04 Continued Process Improvement on 2nd SX Mini-Rug Run 2018 - 11 - 30 Change of Stock Code 2018 - 11 - 20 HPA First Pre-Feasibility Study Presentation 2018 - 11 - 20 HPA First Project Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) 2018 - 09 - 06 Assays Confirm 4N (99.99%) HPA 2018 - 08 - 05 Successful HPA Production Using the HPA First Process 2018 - 07 - 08 Fast Track to HPA Production 2018 - 04 - 25 Outstanding Aluminium Solvent Extraction Test Results 2018 - 03 - 20 Pre-Feasibility Study Testwork Update 2018 - 02 - 20 CCAL Testwork Returns Excellent Ni, Co, Al Recoveries 3.8 ASX Releases 2017 2017 - 12 - 07 Commencement of Metallurgical Program 2017 - 11 - 29 Successful Recovery of Scandium 2017 - 11 - 28 Successful Solvent Extraction of Ni, Co and Mn 2017 - 11 - 23 4N Purity Achieved in HPA Test Work Program 2017 - 11 - 12 Successful Production of High Purity Alumina Sample 2017 - 10 - 31 Board Appointments 2017 - 10 - 23 Outstanding Aluminium Solvent Extraction Test Work Results 2017 - 09 - 19 Commencement of High Purity Alumina Testwork 2017 - 05 - 02 Change of Stock Code 4.0 The Business I am new to understanding this part of the market, but looking at the series of ASX announcements by Alpha HPA Limited since 2017, at the the current market capitalisation of nearly AUD 1B, one would have a reasonably valid reason to feel that there is a lot of upside, especially when you look at the USD 3.6 trillion valuation for NVIDIA . The business of HPA is still in its infancy for the ASX, and based on my my limited research on the sector, Alpha HPA Limited is the standout. Looking at the business of Alpha HPA Limited, they are the ones supplying the source products for the likes of the semiconductor business, so there are probably going to be limited competitors. As Alpha HPA Limited clearly states on their products section of the website, the products they are creating are for the most aggressive market currently in the investment space. We are sustainably producing a growing range of ultra-high purity aluminium oxides, hydroxides, nitrates and sulphates for a wide range of high technology industries including LED lighting, synthetic sapphire, semiconductors, Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) technology and lithium-ion battery markets – at world-leading purity levels and at a dramatically lower carbon profile. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the age of artificial intelligence (AI) and Technology Automation is the hottest discussion. The likes of Tesla , Dell , Nvidia, Apple , Facebook , Amazon , etc., are all going to be the end users of these products potentially coming out from Alpha HPA Limited. The world is now all about AI and computing technology, so Figure 5 is evidence that the market of supplying bits and pieces to those companies is the main game. Therefore, imagine where the likes of Alpha HPA Limited will be in terms of valuation once they are fully operational. Figure 5: The top 20 companies worldwide by market capitalisation. (source: Companies MarletCap ) A good way to understand the potential of someone like Alpha HPA Limited is to imagine that there is only one iron ore company on the ASX. The big unknown is if they are able to fully commercialise their business. Presently, it does appear to point that they are on the way to a very prosperous path. 5.0 Other Companies on the ASX with Similar Business Two companies come directly to my mind that swim in the HPA sector. The first one is the former FYI Resources Limited, which is now under a new name, Cadoux Limited (ASX: CCM) and Altech Batteries Limited (ASX: ATC ) . Altech Batteries Limited was the most aggressive with their strategy, but of late, it appears that Altech is now moving into the battery space. There is a name change to Altech Batteries from its original name of Altech Limited, which was, as far as I can remember, 100% HPA development. As I write this review, I haven't delved into Altech Batteries' primary business focus yet. However, considering the recent name change and their latest release mentioning batteries, it seems that a shift in their future direction is underway. Cadoux goes further to mention that they are also positioning themselves to be a significant producer of both HPA and rare earths. Cadoux on their website does state that they are an emerging developer of high-quality critical minerals. Cadoux is focusing on two potential world-class projects: high purity alumina (HPA) and rare earths downstream production. If readers do know of other companies in this space, please let me know. 6.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts As an investor, I have only had one win in the ASX technology space and that was with Pointerra Limited (ASX: 3DP) . I ended up staying in that stock for almost 5 years before deciding that an exit was required. That was a great journey from the early beginnings. Alpha HPA Limited is not a technology stock , but, for me, I associate it with technology as it is all about what the HPA products will add value to once it has left their hands. I feel excitement in what they could become as the race to produce quality and sustainable HPA products is one of the most sought-after business, especially for ASX companies. The value creation for shareholders is undeniably substantial, as those in Alpha HPA Limited will surely attest. As we are all cautious creatures when we are parting with our hard-earned money as investments, what gives me comfort is the amount of money that has come from government and industry organisations to Alpha HPA Limited. The demand for Alpha HPA products is very clear, as there is no turning back in terms of the needs coming from the AI and technological progress in the coming decades. Figure 6: The ASX release for the AUD45M Federal Government Grant. (source: Alpha HPA Limited) There would have been a lot of smart people going through the business models before parting with those large sums of money (Figure 6). Unlike the resource path, which I am very familiar with, the amount of unknowns is lesser and more predictable. I am not saying that it is easy to build a technological business; I am just saying that the unknowns are lesser. As I did my research on the company, I became very informed about the business and the potential of future valuation. I am very happy to have come across this story. I am sure there are more people out there that have looked at the business in greater detail, but sometimes, enough information is all you need. As we all know, when you are too smart, too close to the story, our judgement can be clouded and be the detriment of our investment decisions. :-) References: Alpha HPA Limited Announcements ------- Disclaimer The information or opinions provided herein do not constitute investment advice, an offer or solicitation to subscribe for, purchase or sell the investment product(s) mentioned herein. It does not take into consideration, nor have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, risk profile, tax position and particular, or unique needs and constraints. Read full Disclaimer. Share to Grow: Your Bonus Samso has just released an eBook: How to Add Value to your Share Portfolio A lesson on geological models sought by mining companies that gives insight and an understanding of which portfolios are better - and potentially more lucrative – investments. Click here to download this eBook . Download eBook If you find this article informative and useful, please help me share the information.  I try and write about topics that are interesting and have the potential to be of investment value.  It is not easy to find stories that fit those parameters. If you or your organisation see the benefit of what Samso is trying to achieve and have a need to share your journey, please contact me on . About Samso Samso  is a trusted platform that equips dedicated investors with up-to-date industry knowledge and insights from top CEOs and thought leaders. By staying informed on business advancements and market trends, investors can enhance their financial decisions through a combination of expert guidance and their own research.

  • An ASX Exotic Story for 2025 - ZeoTech Limited - A Resource Technology Pathway.

    As we move into 2025, investors are most likely looking for a fresh start with some new stories and ideas of where they can invest or "Take a Punt". Let's be honest, for us, the retail investors in this sector of the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) , we are the so-called professional participants in a roller coaster ride that is commonly compared to the Casino. For those seasoned players in the small-cap sector on the ASX, and especially those that live predominantly in the resource sector, 2025 is looking to have some fresh legs (we hope, anyway). The last two years have been hard, and there are probably still many "investors" who are still stuck in the lithium run who have not taken the hard medicine of taking the loss and looking set in other alternative stories. Personally, I am fortunate enough to have missed that run and missed out on all the wins. In hindsight, my insistence on an inability to believe the might of the premium status of lithium in the EV revolution proved to be correct; however, I have to admit that I was doubting myself for a while in the early days. In saying that, over the many decades of taking that "Punt" within the confines of the ASX, I think the might of the EV revolution is yet to come. I have noticed that when a new story develops, whether it's lithium, nickel, iron ore, etc, there is always the initial hype, which is then followed by a correction, which is then followed by the boring part of real value creation, once the dust settles. I guess, this boring value creation period is what the "real money" feast on and always seems to be the correct strategy. So What Are The Stories in 2025 As usual, Samso has been looking out for new stories, and in 2025, I think that there are some that should be on investors watchlist, and hence some good old DYOR would need to be done. There are also some old products, such, as copper, that should be back on the radar that have been forced to take a backseat as investors grapple with short-term gains against long-term glory. I think the journey of nett zero emissions and the clean energy narrative will take on a new level of interest and may begin to create a Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) in 2025. This increase in attention may create a third certainty in life, after death and taxes. Since 2020 the ASX market has been monopolised by the lithium narrative, and as a result, everything else has been pretty much ignored and hopefully, till now. The investing community understands that investments are typically shrouded in mystique and for as long as I have been involved in the ASX, the key in defining what makes the ASX ticks is all about researching to a level that measures your own risk and reward appetite. All I hope to do here is to share my thoughts and give those interested a trigger to begin that process. 1.0 What Can We Learn From Copper ? 2.0 The Exotics of 2025 3.0 Zeotech Limited (ASX: ZEO) 3.1 Zeotech - Products 4.0 Corporate Matters 5.0 What Does this All Mean? 5.1 New Management and Advancement of Business 6.0 Samso's Final Words 6.1 Zeotech Makes Sense The need to have a balanced view is sometimes very hard to do in an industry where investors know that the rising share price is the only determining factor that measures our success. We cannot measure our success with how much or how little we know about the subject matter. Sometimes, we win knowing a lot, and other times, we know very little. What we can measure is how we got ourselves into that position to allow us the opportunity to, as they say, take that "punt". In my opinion, the need for information is to allow us to take that position so that we are in the game. 1.0 What Can We Learn From Copper ? Dr. Copper as the market calls Copper has been around since the first day the human species started to make the planet Earth their domain. I like to use Dr. Copper as a barometer on how investors should react in 2025 on the ASX. As you can see in Figure 1, the price of copper is gaining a bit of strength over the last 5 years, but the sentiment for a demand surge has been called for at least a decade, but the reality on the equities front has been far from spectacular. Figure 1: Copper price chart since 1990. (Source: Trading Economics ) It's true that the ASX small-cap sector currently lacks any genuine quality players, but this presents a great opportunity to begin exploring the list. I used to believe that Cyprium Metals Limited (ASX: CYM) had real potential before the management change. If the previous management had secured funding (debt) before the interest rates began rising weekly, CYM might have been quite intriguing today. Investors should realize that finding and developing a cost-effective copper mine takes decades, but its ability to generate revenue lasts for many decades more. Some of the top-producing copper mines have been in operation for over 50 years. Why do we need all this copper, you ask? Well, look around and see what you are using that does not need copper. The simple fact is that metals such as copper are the backbone of civilisation, and the demand will not decline. What is declining is the supply, and lets leave that discussion for another time. The challenge for "punters" is to find a sustainable product that has a prolonged value and cannot be easily manufactured or generated. As we move into a world where we are more innovative in thinking and in utilisation, these "Exotics" could become a more profound feature in the investing community. 2.0 The Exotics of 2025 I have coined the term "Exotics" to describe a few products that are being promoted as essential items to complement the no-emission narrative. While I am not a believer that the pricing of lithium will recover to being a premium product, I am definitely a believer in products that will be aimed at narrating the reduction of the emission story. This is not to say that lithium is not part of that narrative; I just feel that lithium is now just one of the components and is no longer the "superstar". I feel that the age of post-COVID is all about reduction in emissions. The journey is not about whether you are pro global warming or not; the reality is that the path to a reduction of emissions is the main game. The serious nature of this sentence is clearly identifiable with the Australian government having established a full-time department to facilitate this topic, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water . The quote below is straight out from the department: Australia and the world are undergoing the biggest and fastest economic transformation since the industrial revolution. Action to reduce emissions will help prevent the worst impacts of climate change, but will also create a boom in new jobs and new industries. The government’s ambition for a future made in Australia will form a comprehensive, coordinated and practical strategy to seize these opportunities. As the path to net zero will require innovation and investment across all sectors, the Australian Government is continuing to take major steps to realise the opportunities of an efficient, productive, high-wage net zero economy and make Australia a renewable energy superpower. - Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water . The government has set up a Net Zero emission plan and is 100% serious in making this a focus. This is why I say the age of the Exotics is just being made known to the investing world. I am not saying that the traditional metals are to be ignored, but if we, the retail investors, are to have a chance in getting closer to the front seats in this game, we need to think more exotic. Figure 2: Australia's energy-related emissions and net-zero carbon budget, BNEF's Economic Transition Scenario and New Zero Scenario. (Source: ) Whether we are talking about the transition to a cleaner energy or to a reduction in emissions, I see great opportunities as this timing is like moving from horse carriages to automobiles. We are still early in the conversation, and the new "Super Products" are coming on, and like all new products, the promotions are coming in quick and fast. The introduction of exotic commodities to tackle the reduction in sending "nasties" to our atmosphere is what we are talking about, so let's take this journey here on Samso and get informed. 3.0 Zeotech Limited (ASX: ZEO) Late last year I came across Zeotech Limited (ASX: ZEO) , a mineral resource company that, according to the website, is developing advanced materials for a sustainable future. We are developing sustainable processes to produce advanced materials and investigating the application of their unique properties to deliver positive global impact. - Zeotech Limited I admit that when I first came across the company, I had a hard time understanding the business of the company. Apart from knowing the CEO, James Marsh, I was and am still learning the business. As I looked more into the business of Zeotech, I became aware that this is like a Resource Tech story. I have yet to approach James to get a closer understanding (Work in Progress), but looking at the business from afar, this is a bit of an industrial minerals play with a bit of technology that seems to be the theme of another company that we will have a chat about as well. Let's have a look at the announcement on the 10th December 2024 - Methane Control Field Trial Deliver Promising Results . Figure 3: Simulated landfill configurations located at Griffith University. (Source Zeotech Limited ASX release.) That release on the 10th of December highlights that the the company’s two zeoteCH₄® showed in tests with Griffith University a reduction in methane emissions with an average (mean) efficiency of 70-85%. The development is still too early to have conclusive proof of its efficiency, but one can see the potential of the product. From what I can understand, the implementation of the zeoteCH₄® is akin to putting a topsoil over areas such as landfills to filter out methane release (Figure 4). Figure 4: Diagrammatic representation of how the zeoteCH₄® product will be used. (source: 3.10 Zeotech - Projects Zeotech lists the following projects on the website, which makes this company more about products than mineral resource projects. Methane Emissions Control Soil Carbon Sequestration and Nutrient Management Carbon Capture and Utilisation By-product Treatment and Utilisation Kaolin Projects Toondoon Kaolin Project Abercorn Kaolin Project The company website does give a good brief of each project. As far as I understand, Zeotech has a unique Kaolin product that has been tested to show they have properties that are allowing them to create their own proprietary products that are used in the business of capturing the emission of carbon. I will not go into the technical aspect of the project at this stage but when and if I get a chance to get James Marsh on a Coffee With Samso , I am sure, James will be able to articulate that with more accurately. James is no stranger to the Samso Platform so it will be great to have him back to communicate about Zeotech. 4.0 Corporate Matters At the writing of this blog, Zeotech is sitting at a market capitalisation of AUD81.56M with a share price of AUD $0.044. This would give the company about 1.8B shares on issue. Figure 5: The Zeotech Limited share price chart. (souce: Commsec) On the 19th of August 2024, Zeotech announced the appointment of James Marsh as the Chief Executive Office (CEO), effective 9th September 2024. James Marsh gave a good presentation at the recent Noosa Mining Conference on the 15th of November 2024 which outlined the business of Zeotech. Here are some notable news releases from Zeotech: 10th December 2024 - Methane Control Field Trials Deliver Promising Results 19th November 2024 - QLD Govt Funding Secured for Metakaolin Feasibility Study 28th October 2024 - Zeotech Executes MOU with Holcim Australia 3rd July 2024 - Bulk Zeolite Sample Sent to Protekta North America 22nd April 2024 - High Reactivity Metakaolin to Advance Low Carbon Cement 30th January 2024 - Methane Control Trials Advance Infield to Cleanaway Landfill 13th November 2023 - Trials Deliver Promising Methane Oxidation Efficiency 1st September 2022 - Completion of Toondoon Project 31st August 2022 - Commencement of Legal Proceedings against Zeotech 12th April 2022 - Opportunities for Zeolite-Based Greenhouse Gas Mitigation 30th November 2021 - Pilot Program Update - First Continuous Closed-Loop Circuit 6th September 2021 - Griffith University Delivers Promising Agronomic Results 23rd August 2021 - ZEO Acquires High-Grade Kaolin Project within Approved ML 16th February 2021 - Zeolite Pilot Plant Program Commences 1st December 2020 - Change of Name and ASX Code 28th October 2020 - Commercial Grade Zeolite Produced from Li Process Residue 8th July 2020 - Board Restructure and Chair Appointment 9th June 2020 - Early market interest in Synthetic Zeolite Technology 21st May 2020 - Zeolite Technology Intellectual Property Protection Filing 7th April 2020 - Exclusive Licence Agreement to Produce Synthetic Zeolite 7th April 2020 - Board Restructure and Executive Appointment 17th October 2019 - Acquisition of Abercorn High Purity Alumina Project Complete 13th August 2019 - Metalsearch to Acquire High Purity Alumina Project The list of notable news releases broadly gives a summary of the journey of Zeotech as the company transitioned from 2019 to the current management. There are a lot more items which are listed in the Investor Information section of the website. 5.0 What Does this All Mean? The Zeotech story is not a new concept, as we remember there was EcoGraf Limited (ASX: EGR) and FYI Resources Limited, which is now called Cadoux Limited (ASX: FYI) back in 2021. The vertical integration pathway is popular with ASX companies, but I feel the investor patience still needs a process of hand-holding and a lot of patience. My experience in the ASX tells me that the inner circle, the "purple circle", is very much informed, and the companies that have the support are going to have a lot of traction, but to convince the general investor, the retail sector, and investors like myself, there is still a lot of work to be done. The retail market is generally impatient, and most investors are not used to the long gestation periods that are required with projects such as the one Zeotech is selling. The whole Zeotech story started in 2019, and the value created came in the heights of the 2020 bull run (Figure 5) and has since slowed and had a consistent decline with the general state of the bearish sentiment. In terms of market capitalisation (MC), I am guessing that most small-cap investors will not like the AUD81M number. I have to agree as there are many great "Punts" which have MC at sub-AUD5M which makes a great position to take on any appreciation. However, for a product like Zeotech, if they do get it right and the timing has arrived, AUD81M is very cheap. My thinking is that the new world order of clean energy and all the clean products that we are embracing, a product that can reduce carbon emission would be like the beginning of the computer age. The key for investors is to watch the space and talk to management. What I have learnt over the last 5 years of Coffee With Samso is that management do want to engage and they are doing everything they can to engage with all forms of investors. They all know that the core supporters, from founding shareholders to the significant shareholders can only take them so far and the holistic engagement with the investing community is still the holy grail. 5.1 New Management and Advancement of Business The new management and the recent release of the findings with the Methane, government funding, and the MOU with Holcim do give me a sense that there is more than a good speech for the Zeotech story. I am guessing that the combination may seem to have sparked a renewed interest with a recent jump in share price movement. What that translates to is anybody's guess, but if the latest Noosa presentation by James Marsh is an indicator of things to come, there may be a good reason to start the DYOR process on Zeotech. James did do wonders for the initial share price movement for Andromeda Metals Limited (ASX: ADN), however, history is clear that the Andromeda story has not ended well (Figure 6). Figure 6: The share price chart for Andromeda Metals Limited. (source: Commsec). How or who was responsible for the decline is not something we retail investors will ever have an answer to. Personally, I did not follow the entire story, but what I know is that it is never about what it seems. 6.0 Samso Concluding Thoughts As I am looking at Zeotech, I cannot help but be reminded of the likes of EcoGraf Limited (ASX: EGR) and Cadoux Limited (ASX: CCM), formerly FYI Resources Limited. One could go as far as comparing it to companies such as Blackstone Minerals Limited (ASX: BSX) with their vertical integration of their nickel sulphide project in Vietnam. The value creation journey for EcoGraf (Figure 7) and Cadoux (Figure 8) is not a great role model for investors looking at Zeotech, but sometimes, timing is critical. You could have a great idea or a great product but if you are too early or late, that is not a good thing. Figure 7: Share price chart for EcoGraf Limited. (source: Commsec) If you look at the share price chart for Andromeda, EcoGraf, and Cadoux, the three share price chart are almost in perfect symmetry, so it looks like the three companies caught the same bug. As investors, we must always remember that the market is always changing, and there is definitely less market understanding for this type of commodity/story. It is not like gold or copper or lithium, where the investing community can easily understand the fundamentals. Figure 8: Share price of Cadoux Limited (formerly FYI Resources Limited). (source: Commsec) Projects such as that Zeotech are promoting, are all going to take time and the triggers for success are normally subtle to start, especially for the retail side, and with time it will lead to larger news. Selling this type of story is not easy and may approach the level of very hard, but it is not impossible. This is not your typical mineral resource project that is widely promoted on the ASX. I am not saying that it is not a good project; in fact, I am taking the time to write because I like the concept. In fact, James Marsh with Andromeda was looking to do something like this as well, but as I said, how, what, and why the Andromeda story ended up in tears could be solely a case of timing. There will be much commentary on the reasons, but I have seen some significant disasters turn into a gem and vice versa. 6.1 Zeotech Makes Sense I don't think the Zeotech story is comparable to that of Andromeda, EcoGraf, or Cadoux, but it is the same pathway. It appears that Zeotech has more merits with the backing of government funding and the collaboration with the University. I am a big fan of thinking outside the norm, so I am very skewed in my thinking for taking that extra risk when it comes to predicting future pathways for all aspect of my life. As you read through the news release, you will start to see the runs on the board and the proof of concept being announced by the company. All these steps take time, and the great news is that it has been done. I did mention that this story has been on the move since 2019, and that is now nearly 6 years of work that has been completed, meaning that the boring hard work that takes time has been done. Commercialisation or monetisation of the Zeotech concept may be just around the corner, and the market cannot deny that the clean energy and no-carbon or less-carbon-emission train will only gain traction as we go beyond 2025. Planet Earth is building solar and wind farms as if they were the only energy source available. It is not a revelation that I feel the reduction of carbon emission space will be the next "Flavour"; however, I am not sure if the timing is 2025 or 2030. All projects require the balance of funding and storytelling, and the combination will be the telling factor for the survival of Zeotech and the other companies in this space. To conclude, Zeotech may or may not happen as an investment for investors, but as I mentioned in the start of this discussion, one needs to take an alternative look at investments, otherwise we will just be another sheep in the herd. History tells me that when I am in that situation, I do feel that I am completely at a lost of my investment entry and exit decisions. Disclaimer The information or opinions provided herein do not constitute investment advice, an offer or solicitation to subscribe for, purchase or sell the investment product(s) mentioned herein. It does not take into consideration, nor have any regard to your specific investment objectives, financial situation, risk profile, tax position and particular, or unique needs and constraints. Read full Disclaimer. Share to Grow: Your Bonus Samso has just released an eBook: How to Add Value to your Share Portfolio A lesson on geological models sought by mining companies that gives insight and an understanding of which portfolios are better - and potentially more lucrative – investments. Click here to download this eBook . Download eBook If you find this article informative and useful, please help me share the information.  I try and write about topics that are interesting and have the potential to be of investment value.  It is not easy to find stories that fit those parameters. If you or your organisation see the benefit of what Samso is trying to achieve and have a need to share your journey, please contact me on . About Samso

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